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Call for Candidates

Published: March 24, 2022

Due to not making quorum for the original Annual Election Meeting in January, we have Rescheduled the Virtual Annual Election Meeting to be held on Saturday, April 23, at 11:00 am. Enclosed with this Notice is a Candidacy Form. If you would like to nominate yourself or another homeowner for a seat on the Board of Directors, please complete the form and return it on or before the deadline of Friday, April 1, at 5:00 p.m.

Click here to submit your Candidate Form electronically now!

The Election Process Is Now Offered Electronically:

Prior Board experience is not necessary, training is available. We are looking for homeowners who are interested in their community, and who would like to become involved.We must receive your Candidacy Form by Friday, April 1, 2022, for your name to be placed on the ballot.

Click here to download nd read the Rescheduled Call for Candidates

Click here to download and complete the paper copy of the Creek Valley Mar 2022 Rescheduled Candidacy Form

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